Three HousesThree Houses

Lance of Zoltan

A spectacular lance forged by the legendary artisan Zoltan.


Game Data

Lance of Zoltan costs 4x Wootz Steel and 2500g to repair.



You can obtain the Lance of Zoltan in the following ways.

  • Obtained after completing Ferdinand and Lysithea's paralogue "Retribution" if all villages are saved


The Lance of Zoltan is a very powerful Lance, showing higher Mt and Wt than the Silver Lance. However, it shares Wootz Steel with Brave Weapons, so may have to be forgone, but it can and will be useful while you have one.

Forged Lance of Zoltan+

A reinforced Lance of Zoltan, created by a legendary artisan and revitalized for a new age.

Game Data

Lance of Zoltan+ costs 12x Wootz Steel and 3000g to forge. Lance of Zoltan+ costs 6x Wootz Steel and 3750g to repair.

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Three HousesThree Houses