Three HousesThree Houses


Hero's Relic (Crest of Blaiddyd). Crest-bearer can use Atrocity.


Game Data

Areadbhar costs 3x Umbral Steel and 2500g to repair.



You can obtain the Areadbhar in the following ways.

  • Obtained after completing Chapter 15 AM


Areadbhar is an extremely powerful Lance. Highest Mt second only to the Lance of Ruin, Areadbhar is a WMD in the hands of Dimitri, allowing him to use Atrocity, a combat art with guaranteed Type effectiveness. If you're worried about Dimitri breaking Areadbhar with his Crest of Blaiddyd, you can easily repair it due to the massive amount of Demonic Beasts you'll be facing. Do be careful when facing Dimitri in other routes, as he will one-shot anyone that comes near him.

Three HousesThree Houses