Three HousesThree Houses

Iron Axe

A standard axe made of iron - simple but effective.


Game Data

Iron Axe costs 2x Smithing Stone and 300g to repair.


Forged Iron Axe+

Reinforced in the forge's flames, this iron axe shines with a new brilliance.

Game Data

Iron Axe+ costs 6x Smithing Stone and 360g to forge. Iron Axe+ costs 3x Smithing Stone and 450g to repair.

E459 +175 +5017

Other Forging Options

Iron Axe can also be forged into these weapons.

List of Other Forging Options

NameMaterialsProf. LevelCost
Steel Axe6x Smithing StoneD+390g
Killer Axe2x Black-Sand SteelC+740g
Venin Axe2x VenomstoneC+2000g

Forge From

Iron Axe can be forged from these weapons.

List of Forge From Options

NameMaterialsProf. LevelCost
Rusted Axe2x Smithing StoneE+240g
Three HousesThree Houses