Three HousesThree Houses

Silver Snow

The war phase for players who chose the Black Eagles and met certain conditions.

List of Chapters in Silver Snow

13Reunion at DawnDefeat PallardóByleth or Seteth dies or the player's army is routed
14A King Without a KingdomInitially rout the enemy, becomes defeat Randolph when the Swordmaster NPC reaches the right Onager tileByleth dies, the player's army is routed, or an enemy seizes a defended location
15Valley of TormentDefeat GwendalByleth dies or the player's army is routed
16The Rose-Colored RiverDefeat all enemy commandersByleth dies or the player's army is routed
17The Impregnable FortressDefeat the Death Knight, or rout the enemy if the Death Knight escapesByleth dies or the player's army is routed
18The Chaos of WarDefeat all enemy commandersByleth dies or the player's army is routed
19Conclusion of the Crossing RoadsDefeat EdelgardByleth dies or the player's army is routed
20The City Without LightDefeat ThalesByleth dies or the player's army is routed
21Following a DreamDefeat the Immaculate OneByleth dies or the player's army is routed
Three HousesThree Houses